About this Event
The MassArt Department of Architecture invites you to join us for the next installment of the Tuesday Talks speaker series with Frank Holmes: The Big Sandbox - Architects and Engineers in the Development Process at 6pm EST on Tuesday, November 16th via Zoom.
Frank Holmes has over twenty eight years of civil engineering consulting experience specializing in site development, permitting, stormwater management, and utility infrastructure. He has been responsible for the design and preparation of contract documents for a wide variety of projects, and has served as both engineer and manager for public and private clients. He has worked in a wide variety of markets including multifamily residential, higher education, sports and recreation, industrial, commercial and military. Project manager responsibilities include the supervision of multi-disciplined teams of engineers in the execution of projects from the due diligence/planning stage through approvals and construction. Mr. Holmes currently leads the civil engineering team at Langan’s Boston office.
The Tuesday Talks series was first established in 2008 by MassArt's Architecture program. This visiting lecture series brings a wide range of design professionals who are engaged in creative endeavors to our community of students, staff, faculty and guests.
Meeting ID: 871 2355 0154
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