Massachusetts College of Art and Design
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Kennedy & East, Kennedy Painting Major Studios (K303, K304, K502, K504, K506, K507) & Print Shop (E201)

Are you interested in majoring in Painting or Printmaking?


Join the FA2D department for our OPEN HOUSE on Wednesday, 11/16, from 1:15 - 3PM! Please stop by K509 first for a brief welcome, as well as pizza.


You can then visit the Painting major studios on the 5th and 3rd floors of Kennedy, and make your way over to the Print Shop (East 201; enter throught the second floor of the DMC). This will be a great chance to meet current FA2D majors & faculty, and familiarize yourselves with the studio spaces & department.


All members of the MassArt community are invited to visit and see work by the FA2D majors.


We hope to see many of you there!


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