Massachusetts College of Art and Design
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To kick off the semester's Creative Writing Minor Reading Series, memoirist and MassArt's own Daphne Strassmann shares her work and responds to questions from the audience.


Daphne Santana Strassmann is a memoirist. She writes about the intangible spaces between her LatinX heritage and her American life. Her work has been featured in Creative NonFiction, Grub Writes, Tex{t}Mex, and several textbooks. She’s a proud Macondista, a member of the Macondo Writer’s Workshop, founded by Sandra Cisneros. At MassArt, she teaches Memoir and the Artist and Thinking, Making, Writing. She’s also an instructor at GrubStreet Center for Creative Writing. Daphne’s memoir “Infinite Possibilities of Suspended Animation” is finally near completion and ready to be shared with the world. She runs generative writing seminars every month in the Boston area, leads a group of memoirists at MIT, and she coaches organizations with big-scale story-telling projects. Creating physical and symbolic spaces where writers can engage or re-engage with their process is a big part of what inspires and motivates her teaching.





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