Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Sign Up

Friday, September 27 - Friday, November 15
Open to all MassArt students, faculty, and staff. 
Registration is required. 

The team at Arts Connect International, a Boston nonprofit that grows creative justice in the arts, is proud to support MassArt in this series on engaging across differences.

We're excited to offer this online, asynchronous series in two dynamic tracks: one tailored for students and another for faculty and staff, running side by side. Join us for a kickoff event, drop-in sessions to further discuss core concepts, and a closing event. Participants who complete the entire program will receive a certificate of completion.

Learning Objectives:

  • Grounding & Emotional Regulation: Develop strategies to listen deeply and ground yourself, returning to your body to manage strong emotions effectively.
  • Critical Processing & Action: Acquire practical skills to navigate present griefs and injustices, all while centering on action.
  • Deep Listening & Compassionate Communication: Enhance your ability to listen deeply, approach conflicts with curiosity and care, and engage in compassionate dialogue.

A kickoff event for students will take place on Sept. 27 and a kickoff event for faculty and staff will take place on Oct. 4. Lunch will be provided. More information will be shared with participants after their registration is complete. 

Please don't hesitate to reach out to with any questions. We're excited for you to join us with this opportunity!




Event Details

See Who Is Interested

  • Jen Roy

1 person is interested in this event

Location and login information will be shared with those who have registered for the series. Click here to register.