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The department of Film and Video and Academic Affairs are pleased to welcome Ute Aurand to the MassArt Ciné Culture screening series on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 5pm EST, in the Design and Media Center Lecture Hall.

Ute Aurand was born in 1957 in Frankfurt/Main, and grew up in Berlin. She is a teacher and curator, and a devoted 16mm filmmaker since 1980. She studied filmmaking at the Deutsche Film und Fernsehakademie Berlin (dffb) during the years 1979-1985. In 1985, she began to produce her own films. In 1987 she founded “Ute Aurand Filmproduktion.”

During 1990-95, Aurand presented the series “Filmarbeiterinnen-Abend” at the Arsenal cinema, Berlin, featuring films made by women, mostly experimental. In 1995-96, she organzed “Sie zum Beispiel” (Her, for Example) at the Arsenal and Babylon cinemas, in which 12 women filmmakers / artists selected and presented a personal selection of films by other women filmmakers. In 1997, she co-founded the group FilmSamstag (Film Saturday) together with Renate Sami and Theo Thiesmeier, later joined by Bärbel Freund, Karl Heil, Milena Gierke and Johannes Beringer, to present a monthly film programme in Kino Filmkunsthaus Babylon Mitte until 2007.Beginning in 1981, Aurand curated film programs e.g. “Lichtgedichte/Light Poems”, “Hyacinths” and “Poetinnen mit der Kamera/Women Poets with the Camera” and monographic programs of films by Marie Menken, Margaret Tait and Utako Koguchi.

In 1991, she worked on the research project and book Frauen machen Geschichte – 25 Jahre Studentinnen an der dffb (Women make History-25 Years of Women Students at the dffb), with Maria Lang.

Following a screening of  Rasendes Grün mit Pferden (Rushing Green with Horses), 2019, Reel #2, 42 min., 16 mm Opt Sound, Aurand will join the Ciné Culture audience for a Q+A / discussion. 

Ciné Culture Screenings are free and open to the public. 

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Image courtesy Ute Aurand


The Massachusetts College of Art and Design Ciné Culture (MACC) screening series was established in 2018 by filmmaker and former MassArt Film/Video department chair Soon-Mi Yoo. Each semester, the series brings to campus a diverse group of filmmakers and moving image artists for screenings, panel discussions, master classes, and performances. The Fall 2023 installment of the Ciné Culture Screening Series is programmed and moderated by MassArt Film/Video Department Chair Tammy Dudman. MassArt Ciné Culture is made possible with the support of MassArt's Office of Academic Affairs.


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